Issue Position: The Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Environment

I believe we cannot live in filth, and survive, and call ourselves good citizens. This is the only country I have known that I call home, and we are the current stewards of it. Therefore, all of us must be equally responsible. I know that there are forces continue to affect our environment by dumping and harboring Pet Coke on our South East Side of Chicago. This must cease. As does the insanity of the pollution currently in Pembroke Township, Hopkins Park, Illinois in particular that has been third in cancer clusters in the nation. As your Congressman, I will focus the light of day, and stand with these areas of the district, to abate this threat to all of our existence to live in a clean environment. My belief is cleanliness is next to Godliness. We must ferret out polluters, and make them clean up their mess, and make them pay damages to those affected.
